Regressions List: Detected

X Title State Age Size Old New % Bug
Regression of 591 benchmarks: 0, 1, 1024, 128, 16, 171, 2, 2048, 256, 3, 32, 4, 44217, 5001, 512, 64, 8, 8b10b, AMGmk, A...:314 Detected 2024-02-06T22:26:45 591 15350580.93843848614149737.174205942 -7.82%
Regression of 73 benchmarks: 8b10b, AMGmk, AnisotropicDiffusion, BilateralFilter, Builtins, Dilate, Dither, Interpolatio...:470 Detected 2024-08-01T08:23:28 73 5549570.05637968.0 1.59%
Regression of 5 benchmarks: fhourstones3.1, oggenc:444 Detected 2024-07-16T16:34:04 5 181962.0185034.0 1.69%
Regression of 2 benchmarks: fhourstones3.1:445 Detected 2024-07-16T16:44:44 2 7.99154546199999958.092067758999999 1.26%
Regression of 10 benchmarks: gs, imp, lua, siod, sqlite3:400 Detected 2024-05-10T16:39:08 10 1706414.01757470.0 2.99%
Regression of 3 benchmarks: hexxagon:541 Detected 2024-09-05T01:24:27 3 35968.037088.0 3.11%
Regression of 2 benchmarks: tramp3d-v4:539 Detected 2024-09-04T12:58:44 2 1.9752153492.07909925 5.26%
Regression of 1 benchmarks: automotive-susan:540 Detected 2024-09-04T12:58:44 1 21054.021800.0 3.54%
Regression of 25 benchmarks: Queens, SPASS, Shootout-C++-sieve, anagram, chomp, fhourstones3.1, himenobmtxpa, imp, netwo...:532 Detected 2024-09-02T08:52:55 25 33521.53512413733269.129351603 -0.75%
Regression of 6 benchmarks: chomp, eks, mandel-text, scimark2:530 Detected 2024-09-01T04:34:03 6 22709.72036154722289.633837871 -1.85%
Regression of 3 benchmarks: eks, mandel-text, scimark2:531 Detected 2024-09-01T04:34:03 3 53870.053358.0 -0.95%
Regression of 9 benchmarks: LoopVectorizationBenchmarks, SLPVectorizationBenchmarks:514 Detected 2024-08-25T01:37:16 9 1011594.752872009980689.751461472 -3.06%
Regression of 19 benchmarks: CoMD, CrystalMk, FloatMM, XSBench, aha, n-body, simple_types_constant_folding:426 Detected 2024-06-20T16:43:41 19 170.365740292175.933882109 3.27%
Regression of 6 benchmarks: Shootout-C++-heapsort, Shootout-heapsort:433 Detected 2024-07-03T12:45:32 6 23.815187824.321665763999995 2.13%
Regression of 1 benchmarks: beamformer:428 Detected 2024-06-26T16:59:57 1 3214.03264.0 1.56%
Regression of 11 benchmarks: CrystalMk, RealMM, analyzer, enc-rc4, reg_detect, simple_types_constant_folding, sqlite3:427 Detected 2024-06-20T16:43:41 11 566474.0574986.0 1.50%
Regression of 14 benchmarks: Queens, automotive-susan, eks, hexxagon, himenobmtxpa, oourafft, pifft:474 Detected 2024-08-07T12:21:30 14 129038.0126756.0 -1.77%
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